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Menopause, Andropause

Around fifty years of age, all men and women enter menopause or andropause. Menopause is the phase of life in women marked by the permanent cessation of menstruation, permanent cessation of reproductive capability, and the significant decline of female sex hormones. Andropause is the phase of life in men marked by the significant decline of male sex hormones and permanent cessation of reproductive capability. The cessation of menstruation is the only differential factor between women and men, while most other symptoms and imbalances are commonly shared by both genders.

Common symptoms of menopause & andropause

  • Excessive body heat

  • Excessive sweating

  • Low energy, lack of motivation

  • Dizziness

  • Cognitive decline

  • Decreased libido

  • Thinning of hair

  • Increased anxiety, irritability

  • Depression, socially withdrawn

  • Weight gain

  • Abnormal hair growth (women)

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Blood sugar imbalance

  • Fear, irrational phobias

  • Sleep disorders

Portrait with Bouquet

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can slow down aging

Changes to our bodies during menopause and andropause are due to the significant decline of the yin and yang aspects of our bodies, thus result in health imbalances that are quite uncomfortable to live with. In severe cases they can debilitate one's ability to function in daily life. The good news is that acupuncture and Chinese medicine are par excellence for treating menopause and andropause disorders; highly effective in restoring comfort, vitality, joy, and well-being to all men and women.

Aging is a permanent process that is ongoing for the rest of one's life. We cannot stop the aging process but we can try to slow it down and mitigate the damages as much as possible.


This phase of life requires men and women to be proactive in taking care of their health by using acupuncture and Chinese medicine, stay active, maintain optimal nutrition, do regular therapies such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, massage, energy healing, and connect with positive and motivational people. Healing resources are widely available for body, mind, spirit support. All men and women can look forward to their fifties and beyond knowing that life can be satisfactory and meaningful.

Senior Yoga
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